24-Hour Answering Service
Rest easy during work hours and after hours. Our staff will provide superior around-the-clock customer service for your business.
Your customers are busy people. They expect immediate answers from your business and exceptional customer service, regardless of the time of day. When a call goes unanswered, many customers choose to call the next company — your competitor — instead of leaving a voicemail. Don’t let that happen to you, allow our professional customer service call center agents answer your calls when you are not available.
We help you respond to your customers’ needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Learn about the benefits of our 24 hour answering service below.
We Make Your Life Easier.
You can count on us
We have provided reliable 24-hour live operator answering services for over 43 years. Each year, we improve our procedures and update our call center’s equipment in order to provide consistently reliable service that is unmatched by our competition. We make a guarantee to all of our customers: we will be there when you need us!
Don’t miss a single call
Our live answering services help you communicate with customers and/or your own team for a reasonable rate. Our agents are available for 24/7 full-time service, part-time service (after hours) and special projects. We also offer overflow call answering services during daytime hours, let us handle the incoming calls your busy receptionist cannot get to in time!
Better customer service and lead capture
Our customer service call center agents are trained to actively listen and communicate professionally, respectfully and with empathy. You can trust us to represent your business well each time we handle a call. We send you detailed notes about every phone call and all calls are recorded for training and coaching purposes.
Phone Call Screening
Not every call you receive is important or even wanted. We save you time by screening out unnecessary interruptions like telemarketers, callers with the wrong number, etc.
Uninterrupted answering services
Our facilities are engineered to withstand power outages and many natural disasters. We have a complete set of critical spares on site for our call center system and Internet security, including a backup server, auto-restart generator and emergency propane fuel supply.
Our agents can also work from home. This allows us to quickly change staffing for unexpected events and retain higher quality staff.
Customized and efficient service
We can perform the same tasks in less than half the time of your in-house personnel with our virtual receptionist service and advanced technology systems. A standard message can be taken by our live agents in less than 35 seconds and electronically sent to a pager, cell phone, or computer in less than 10 seconds. Additional information can even be inserted into the message from an SQL database.
Are some of your business’ calls more important than others? We will set up a sophisticated call distribution system that automatically sends calls to a call center agent with the proper skill level. All of this allows you to display a professional image at a fraction of the cost.
We make your life easier!
Contact Us Today
Call Business Centers Of Missouri, Inc. today at 314-469-0500 to find out how you can get started with customized, cost-effective communications.
Contact Us Today!